Journal Of Administrative Science - JAS
<p> Jurnal title :<strong>JAS: Journal Of Administrative Science</strong><br> Abbreviation :JAS<br> OAI address :<br> issu Frequency :(Juni & November)<br> ISSN Online : On Proses<br> ISSN Print :2088-4982 Print<br> DOI prefix :<br> Editor in-chief :Dr. Darwin Abd Radjak, S.Sos., M.AP<br> Managing Editor :<br> IT Support :Syaiful Ahmad<br> Publisher :Pascasarjana Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara<br> Citation Analisys :Garuda | Google Scholar | One Search</p>Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi UMMUen-USJournal Of Administrative Science - JAS2088-4982EFEKTIVITAS PELAYANAN CALON JAMAAH HAJI TAHUN 2022 DI KANTOR KEMENTERIAN AGAMA KABUPATEN HALMAHERA BARAT
<p>The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the effectiveness of <br>services for prospective pilgrims in 2022 at the office of Ministry of Religion, west <br>Halmahera regency. This research employs descriptive research with qualitative data <br>analysis techniques. As with descriptive reseach techniques, data collection uses <br>observation, interviews and documentation. Primary data in this research was <br>obtained through field observations and interviews with several key informants as <br>well as main informants. Meanwhile, analyzing data apply descriptive analysis which <br>is consisting of data reduction stage, data presentation until finding the final <br>conclusion of this reseach.<br>The result of this research show that the effective time for the registration <br>service for prospective pilgrims at the west Halmahera regency, Ministry of Religion <br>office has been implemented well because the Standar Operating Procedure has <br>stated that it is 1 hour and 40 minutes. All processes start from registration until <br>publishing of portion numbers for prospective pilgrims is running well, accuracy in <br>service is also good, officers always verify administrative documents for prospective <br>pilgrims carefully, if an error occurs it will affect the continuing work process later. A <br>service delivery style has been formed, where officers with their service work always <br>welcome and greet, smile, be friendly, have good manners and good<br>communication. <br><br></p>Fahriah UsmanThamrin HusainSaiful DeniAbdurrahman Kader
2023-09-012023-09-0111111IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM REHABILITASI EKOSISTEM MANGROVE DI KELURAHAN RUA KOTA TERNATE (Studi di Balai Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah)
<p>The Mangrove Ecosystem Rehabilitation Program in Rua subdistrict of<br>Ternate city that launched by Regional Water Conservation Area Center which is <br>accordance with Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 73 of <br>2012 concerning the national strategy for Mangrove Ecosystem Management as an <br>effort to realize sustainable mangrove ecosystem management and a sustainable <br>prosperous society based on available resources as an integral part of the national <br>development planning system.<br>This research aims to know the implementation of the program and also the <br>factors that can influence it. The implementation of the Mangrove Ecosystem <br>Rehabilitation Program is influenced by the supporting as well as inhibiting factors. <br>Based on the theory of George C. Edwards III, supporting and inhibiting factors <br>include communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure.<br>The research results show that the Mangrove Ecosystem Rehabilitation <br>Program can runing well, but the results are not optimal yet, this is caused by several <br>other factors that can influence it, including (1) limited funds and implementing <br>officers, (2) the unavailability of SOP (Standar Operational) at the mangrove working <br>group level, (3) lack of monitoring of rehabilitated ecosystems, (4) very minimal use of <br>KKM forums.<br>Key words: , , </p>Fuad M. ZenSaiful DeniThamrin HusainAbdul Halil Hi. IbrahimBakri La Suhu
2023-09-012023-09-01111220IMPLEMENTASI PERATURAN DAERAH KABUPATEN KEPULAUAN SULA NOMOR 05 TAHUN 2011 TENTANG MINUMAN KERAS (Studi Di Kantor Kepolisian Resor Kepulauan Sula)
<p>Liquor is part of alcoholic beverages which has a very broad impact if <br>concsumed, the impact that often occurs is criminal act. Therefore, the Sula island<br>regency government issued regional regulation number 05 of 2021, namely chapter II <br>about prohibition and supervision, which is contained in article 2, which states that it <br>is prohibited for every person to use, import, produce, store, bring, accept deposits, <br>sell and buy alcoholic beverages in the form of anything in the Sula region. <br>The objective of this research is to know the implementation of Regional <br>Regulation No. 05 of 2021 concerning liquor by the Sula island Resort Police <br>(Polres). The reseach method uses is qualitative research with a descriptive <br>approach, while data collection techniques through observation, interview and also <br>documentation.<br>Based on the research result that Sula island Resort Police (Polres) have <br>been implemented the Regional Regulation regarding alcoholic beverages well, the <br>form of implementation being the formation of the Samapta Liquor Saber Team and <br>Community Disease Operations (Ops. Pekat). The implementation of Community <br>Disease Operation (Ops. Pekat) is often carried out by the Resor Police (Polres) with <br>the aims: (1) It can eradicating all the forms of community disease including the <br>circulation of Liquor and (2) maintaining security and public order (kamtibmas) in the <br>Sula islands regency area. Meanwhile, for the dimensions of communication, <br>resources (personnel and finance), disposition/distribution of tasks and organizational <br>structure dimensions are actually quite good in supporting the implementation of <br>Regional Regulation Number 05/2011 concerning liquor in the Sula islands regency.<br>Key words:, , .</p>Masqun .Thamrin HusainDarwin Abd RadjakAbdul Halil Hi. IbrahimSaiful Ahmad
<p>The aim of this research is to know service performance of the office of <br>demographic affair and civil registration, the method employed is qualitative research. <br>The data sources used are primary data, namely data obtained directly from the field <br>through direct interviews, and secondary data, namely data obtained indirectly and <br>can be from supporting sources such as; books, journals, laws and other documents <br>related to research. <br>Based on the research results, it is clear that: first, the performance of the <br>central Halmahera regency Population and Civil Registration Service in the E-KTP <br>service has not actually been implemented optimally, this is because the <br>achievement target for performance productivity in 2022 has not yet reached 100%.<br>Second, the quality of the Population and Civil Registration Service's services, <br>especially the procedures for processing Resident Identity Cards. Third, the <br>responsiveness of the Population and Civil Registration Service in E-KTP services is <br>good, every Apparatus/ASN in the DUKCAPIL Service has a sense of concern to <br>provide a good response to people who complain about E-KTP services, and <br>DUKCAPIL is also very sensitive to complaints/suggestions from the public by <br>preparing a complaint/suggestion box if the service provided is not optimal.<br>Fourth, the DUKCAPIL Service has responsibility for the E-KTP service process so <br>that it is serious about working well and its performance accountability is always <br>reported every year through the Government Agency Performance Accountability <br>Report (LAKIP) to the Regent.<br>Key word: , , </p>Sarni AdeThamrin HusainSaid AssagafSaiful DeniAbdul Halil.Hi. IbrahimBakri La Suhu
<p>The aim of this research is to describe, understand and determine the usage<br>of BOS (School Operational Assistance) at SMP Negeri 13 Ternate. This reseach <br>was conducted at SMP Negeri 3 Ternate, sub-district of Ternate Pulau, precisely in <br>Loto village by using qualitative metdhod. Technique of collecting data are direct <br>observation related to the object that is studied, then interview which is a dialogue <br>process between reseachers and informants selected by the researchers directly <br>involved as primary data, and also documentation. <br>The result of this research is the lack of communication so that the students’<br>parents did not know the purpose as well as objectives of holding the BOS program. <br>There is the limitation of resources in terms of the BOS budget to meet school <br>operational needs which cause the levies occur at SMP Negeri 13 Ternate. The <br>disposition that school implementers have in managing BOS if it is seen from the <br>perspective of honesty, commitment and democratic nature is only implementing <br>technical instruction. Various mechanisms, procedures that fulfilled and many <br>bureaucratic structures that should be passed in receiving BOS funds have resulted<br>in delay of the disbursement and allocation of BOS funds to school receiving <br>assistance.<br>Key Worsd: , , </p>Tamrin SomadayoSaiful DeniThamrin HusainAbdul Halil Hi. IbrahimDarwin Abd RadjakBakri La Suhu