Jurnal title | Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan |
Initials | Agrikan |
Abbreviation | Agrikan: J. Agro. & Fish |
OAI address | http://www.jurnal.ummu.ac.id/index.php/agrikan.OAI |
Frequency | 2 issue per year (May & October) |
ISSN | 1979-6072 Print | 2621-0193 Electronik |
DOI prefix | 10.52046 |
Editor in-chief | Umar Tangke, S.Pi., M.Si |
Managing Editor |
Syahnul S. Titaheluw, S.Kel., M.Si |
IT Support | Saiful, ST |
Publisher | Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara |
Collaborated with | PSL (Pusat Studi Lingkungan FPAERTA-UMMU & PUKAT (Pusat Kolaborasi Riset) |
Citation Analisys | Google Scholar, PKP Indeks, Base Indeks, ICI Indeks, Moraref, One Search, IPI Indeks, ISJD LIPI, ResearchBib, CrossRef, GARUDA, Scilitc, DRJI. |
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