In the current era of globalization, information and communication technology is growing rapidly, one of which is in the field of smartphones or gadgets. But as technology develops rapidly, there are parties who abuse the functions of these digital tools. The problem that often occurs for media or gadget users is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment itself can even be done directly or indirectly, namely online, such as photos or videos and texts sent through social media, including against teenagers. For this reason, knowledge provision is needed to be given to teenagers to fortify them against the bad effects of social media abuse. The partners involved are students of SMA Nurul Hasan, City of Ternate. The method of this activity is carried out by means of socialization and counseling related to literacy digitization, prevention of sexual harassment in Era 4.0. The results of the activity showed that out of the 40 partners present, it was found that 100% did not know how to check the security of personal data. This can be seen during the practice session given, namely the use of a smartphone by entering the link provided by the committee. Then there are 20% of partner accounts and some personal data that has been leaked due to the weakness of the personal account password.
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