The positive impact of internet use for teenagers is to get more advanced, definite, accurate and fast information. Allows to communicate remotely, without having to go to the person. For students and students can carry out assignments at school easily and quickly. By accessing the internet, we can know more about the world and make it easier to find information that is easier to market the products we want to sell. In addition to the positive impact of using the internet, it turns out that there is also a negative impact which is one of the deviant behaviors committed by students such as crimes committed against someone using internet facilities in cyberspace that are bad and deviant such as pornography. With the quick and easy access to information via the internet, pornography is rampant. The method of implementing the activity is socialization with lectures, discussions and questions and answers. The results of this activity can increase students' understanding and knowledge in terms of wisely using the internet for teenagers, especially at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Ternate City
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