Peer Review Process

  1. All writings submitted to the J-TIFA journal must follow the focus and scope and be active.
  2. Manuscripts sent must discuss information technology studies, computer networks and data mining, software engineering in accordance with the focus and scope. All articles must be free from plagiarism content.
  3. All authors are used to using plagiarism detection software to do content checking,  where the similarity index limit =<37%
  4. Plagiarism detection check editor of articles in journals.
  5. Research articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed by at least 2 (two) or more experts in each field of study.
  6. REIVIEWER provides valuable scientific comments to improve the content of the article manuscript.
  7. The final decision on acceptance of articles will be made by the Editor in accordance with REVIEWER comments.
  8. The publication of the accepted articles, including the order in which the articles will be published, will be made by the Editor in Chief by considering the order in which the revised articles are received.