Etika Publikasi J-TIFA

Journal of Informatics Engineering (J-Tifa) is one of the journals managed by the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku which was published for the first time in September 2018 with two publications a year, namely periodically every March and September. This statement of ethical publication ethics is a statement of the code of ethics of all parties involved in the publication process of scientific journals, namely managers, editors, bestari partners, in writers.

Duties and Responsibilities of Journal Managers

  1. Determine the name of the journal, scientific scope, scale, and accreditation if needed.
  2. Defines the relationship between publishers, editors, peer partners, and other parties in a contract.
  3. Appreciate things that are confidential, whether for contributing researchers, authors / writers, editors, and bestari partners.
  4. Applying norms and provisions regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyright.
  5. Review journal policies and submit them to authors / writers, the editorial board, peer review, and readers.
  6. Generate behavioral code guides for editors and peer-reviewed partners.
  7. Publish a journal regularly.
  8. Ensuring the availability of sources of funds for the sustainability of journal publishing.
  9. Build cooperation and marketing networks.
  10. Prepare licensing and other legality aspects.

Editor's Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Meet the needs of readers and writers / writers.
  2. Strive to improve the quality of publications in a sustainable manner.
  3. Implement processes to ensure the quality of published papers.
  4. Prioritizing freedom of opinion in an objective manner.
  5. Maintain the integrity of the author's academic track record.
  6. Deliver corrections, clarifications, withdrawals, and apologies as needed.
  7. Responsible for the style and format of the written work, while the content and all statements in the written work are the responsibility of the author / writer.
  8. Actively soliciting the opinions of writers, readers, bestari partners, and members of the editorial board to improve the quality of publications.
  9. Encourage journal assessments if there are findings.
  10. Support the author's initiative on publication ethics by including a consent form with each submission.
  11. Assess the influence of published policies on the attitudes of authors / authors and peer-reviewed partners and correct them to increase responsibility and minimize errors.
  12. Having an open mind to new opinions or views of others that may conflict with personal opinions.
  13. Do not stand up for the opinion of yourself, the author or a third party that could lead to an objective decision.
  14. Encourage writers / writers to improve their written works so that they are suitable for publication.

Duties and Responsibilities of Bestari Partners

  1. Received an assignment from the editor to review the paper and submit the results of the review to the editor, as material to determine the feasibility of a paper for publication.
  2. Reviewers may not review written works that involve themselves, either directly or indirectly.
  3. Maintain the privacy of the author by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations by providing criticism, suggestions, input, and recommendations.
  4. Encourage writers / writers to make improvements to writing.
  5. Review papers that have been corrected according to predetermined standards.
  6. Written works are reviewed in a timely manner according to the published environment based on scientific principles (data collection methods, author legality, conclusions, etc.).

Author / Author Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Ensuring that those included in the list of authors / writers meet the criteria as writers / authors.
  2. That the journal manuscript submitted has fulfilled the plagiarism check with an index of similarity 20%
  3. Responsible together for the work and content of the article includes methods, analysis, calculations and details.
  4. State the origin of sources (including funding), either directly or indirectly.
  5. Describe the boundaries of the research.
  6. Respond to comments made by bestari partners in a professional and timely manner.
    Notify the editor if he will be retracting his written job.
  7. State that the work submitted for publication is original, has not been published anywhere in any language, and is not in the process of being submitted to another publisher.