This study aims to find solutions to the problem of the increasing spread of unhealthy
snacks that contain ingredients that are not needed by the body. This study uses natural
food coloring that is often found but rarely known, namely coloring derived from
coechineal insects, namely carmine, and uses extracts from betel (Piper betle Linn) as an
ingredient that contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties that are good for the body
but have a smell and taste that is less liked by the current generation. Therefore, betel leaf
extract which has a pungent aroma is turned into candy which is a snack that is liked by all
circles. In this study, an organoleptic test was carried out on the sample to determine the
level of preference of the samples for candy with 4 different compositions.
Keywords: Carmine, Betel leaf extract, Candy, Organoleptic test.
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